TNJ Chemical provides database on CAS 121-79-9 / Propyl Gallate suppliers price, and also offers CAS 121-79-9 / Propyl Gallate suppliers price quotation from Propyl Gallate factory suppliers. If you want to buy Propyl Gallate, please feel free to contact
Character White crystalline powder
Appearance of solution Clear and not more intensively coloured than Bys
Gallic acid,% ≤0.5
Total chlorine,ppm ≤200
Chlorides,ppm ≤100
Zinc,ppm ≤25
Heavy metal(as Pb),ppm ≤10
Sulphate ash,% ≤0.1
Assay,% 97.0-103.0
Melting point,℃ 148-151
Loss on drying,% ≤0.5
1. Propyl gallate is used to protect oils and fats in products from oxidation; it is used in foods, cosmetics, hair products, adhesives, and lubricants.
2.It is used as a triplet state quencher and an antioxidant in fluorescence microscopy.
sealed container, in dark place, no contact with metals.